Change the world to the better

AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion

Join us in our mission to bring clean water, hope and change to those who need it most.

The AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion was founded in 2016 and is a non-profit private foun­da­tion, initi­ated by BWT and its CEO Andreas Weis­senbacher. Supported by many committed part­ners from all around the world, the foun­da­tion aims to improve the living condi­tions of disad­van­taged people as well as to stand up for a healthy planet.

In coop­er­a­tion with care­fully selected organ­i­sa­tions and a strong shared commit­ment, the foun­da­tion works towards the following goals:

  • Access to clean drinking water
  • Reduc­tion of poverty
  • Promo­tion of educa­tion for sustain­ability, and
  • Protec­tion of the envi­ron­ment


Aasraa Trust
Jhamtse Gatsal Childrens Community


Zeitz Foundation

South Africa

The Beach Co-Op

The Gambia



Medical Board


Society for Community Organisation (SoCo)


Green School


Headquarter AQUA PEARLS Foundation
Employee support fund and other local charitable activities

Dark blue = Countries where we made a change


Supported Projects

Driving meaningful change and making positive impacts on the quality of life of disadvantaged people, offering children a perspective, promoting education in terms of sustainability and, above all, giving people access to clean drinking water. Learn more about the pink commitment and the projects that the AQUA PEARLS Foundation runs together with various local organisations to make the world a better place, sip by sip.


Latest news, impor­tant events and proud reports

All news summarized at a glance


Twenty taps supply Kiamarigia with clean drinking water

 2024, December 1st: Kiamariga in Laikipia county has a population of 3,000 people. Currently, the main water source is a shallow, dirty river. 

Healthy and clear water to more than 150 people

 2024, December: ADA Cosmetics International and the Familux Resorts Hotels have joined forces to set an example and do good. Thanks to their donation, two wells were built in Kaareni in Kenya. More than 21,000 liters of water have already been tapped since the installation, providing around 150 people with healthy and clear...

Supporting flood relief in Spain

2024, December: Challenging situations call for action. For this reason, the AQUA PEARLS Foundation is providing support to local first-aid efforts in and around the Valencia area, Spain, which has recently been devastated by historic floods. These floods have disrupted daily life, leaving many residents without access to necessities.

An additional tap for Giekuri

 2024, November 6th: In the region of Nkondi and Giekuri, Kenya, 27 taps have been installed earlier 2024. The success of the project in Giekuri has now led to the possibility to install another tap in an area, which is currently not yet served.

Another 11,200 people got access to clean water

 2024, November 6: The district government of the Gathigiriri cluster approved the construction of a modular water system to supply residents with clean drinking water.

When hope and support turn into another well

 2024, November:  A small social project with a big impact! Markus Hagler from St. Georgen, Austria, founded “Tumaini - giving hope” and is personally and actively committed to better and sustainably successful living conditions in Tanzania. 

€70,000 for clean drinking water

2024, November: BWT pushed beyond the finish line and joined forces with ADAC to raise €70,000 for the b.waterMISSION - a project of the AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foundation.

A clever system turns rainwater into drinking water

 2024, October: Access to clean water is a basic human right, and we’re incredibly proud to be part of Project Maa - bringing that reality to Maringkik Island, Indonesia.

51 taps for three villages in Kenya

 2024, July 1st: In Kenya, three neighboring villages Mahigaini, Matandara and Gwakanai form the Gathigiriri cluster. 
Drinking well project in Kenya

Kick-off of another drinking water well project

2024, April 08th: This week a big milestone was set when kicking off the construction of a total of 22 drinking water wells in Kaareni, a village in Kenya.
Governor using BWT tap

27 new drinking water wells

2024, April: We proudly announce, that we finished the installation of 27 new drinking water wells in Nkondi and Giekuri, two villages in Kenya.
Green School Bali

Partner of Green School Bali

2024, January: We have maintained a close relationship with the “Green School of Bali” for several years.
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Support the AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion

Every action and every contri­bu­tion helps to change the world to the better. Become a change­maker by supporting the AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion with your dona­tion. Join us in our mission to change the world through a shared commit­ment. Your support means being an active partner and part of the pink commit­ment, making a posi­tive contri­bu­tion and bringing about mean­ingful change into the world.

  • 100% of every dona­tion is thought­fully chan­nelled to our care­fully selected organ­i­sa­tions and projects
  • Minimal admin­is­tra­tive expenses
  • Dona­tions to the AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion are tax-​deductible in Austria

Thank you for changing the world together with us.

Donate now

If you wish to support a specific organ­i­sa­tion, please add this infor­ma­tion in the message field when making your transfer.

Dona­tions by Bank Transfer

AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Gemeinnützige Privat­s­tiftung
Walter-Simmer-Strasse 4, AT-5310 Mondsee
IBAN: AT10 1200 0100 3627 4743 · BIC: BKAU­ATWW
IBAN: AT76 3432 2000 0004 0261 · BIC: RZOOAT2L322

We will be happy to send you a donation receipt. To do so, please click here.


Estab­lished in December 2016 by BWT in accor­dance with the provi­sions of the Austrian Private Foun­da­tion Act.
Annu­ally: Audit and confir­ma­tion via Audit Report.



For further information, please don´t hesitate to contact us